Thursday, February 18, 2016

Zika virus link to microcephaly

Scientists say a study involving pregnant women in Brazil "strengthens" the theory that Zika is linked to microcephaly birth defects in babies.
The research confirmed the presence of Zika virus in the amniotic fluid of two women who had had Zika-like symptoms during their pregnancies. Brazilian experts say this suggests the virus can infect the foetus.
But WHO expert caution the link is not proven and expect to release more information in the next few weeks.
Brazil has seen a rise in microcephaly - babies born with abnormally small heads and, in some cases, problems with brain development - in the last year, at the same time as a rise in the number of people infected with Zika virus.
The research, published in the journal Lancet Infectious Diseases, involved two women who had a fever, rash and muscle aches during their pregnancies.
After ultrasound scans revealed their developing foetuses had microcephaly, scientists ran further amniocentesis checks.
This involved taking a small sample of the amniotic fluid that surrounds the foetus in the womb. Genetic analysis of this fluid confirmed the presence of Zika virus - discounting similar viruses that may have been responsible.
his study reports details of the Zika virus being identified directly in the amniotic fluid of a woman during her pregnancy, suggesting the virus could cross the placental barrier and potentially infect the foetus.
She added This study cannot determine whether the Zika virus identified in these two cases was the cause of microcephaly in the babies. "Until we understand the biological mechanism linking Zika to microcephaly we cannot be certain that one causes the other, and further research is urgently needed."
Prof Jimmy Whitworth, at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine added that while the research cannot prove the link: "This study does strengthen the body of evidence that Zika virus is the cause of foetal microcephaly in Brazil."
But scientists say despite growing research, a lot remains unknown and a number of questions still need urgent answers - including how big the risk of microcephaly is if a woman has Zika virus infection in pregnancy and whether the timing of the infection makes a difference.
Brazil, the country hardest-hit by Zika has about 508 confirmed cases of microcephaly and is investigating about 3,935 suspected cases. The ministry said last week that 41 of the confirmed cases of microcephaly had shown links to Zika infection. Microcephaly can be caused by a range of factors, including genetic conditions, infections and drugs.
Experts say women who are pregnant are most at risk from mosquito-borne Zika and should try to protect themselves from mosquito bites.
Source: CDC

Saturday, February 6, 2016


·         About 1 in 5 people infected with Zika virus become ill (i.e., develop Zika).
·         The most common symptoms of Zika are fever, rash, joint pain, or conjunctivitis (red eyes). Other common symptoms include muscle pain and headache. The incubation period (the time from exposure to symptoms) for Zika virus disease is not known, but is likely to be a few days to a week.

Awareness of Health, Zika Infection Transmitted by Sex

Zika virus infection transmitted by sex, rather than a mosquito bite, was discovered in Texas, a development sure to complicate plans to contain a global epidemic.
The DallasCounty Health and Human Services Department reported that a patient with the Zika virus was infected after havingsex with someone who had returned from Venezuela, where Zika is circulating. Zika virus is spreading.
Men havingsex after traveling to these areas should consider wearing condoms, although they did not indicate forhow long this would be necessary. Pregnant women should avoid contact with semen from men recently exposed to the virus.
Infection of pregnant women with the Zika virus has been linked to birth defects in their infants. But the infection is not usually life-threatening for others and produces symptoms only in 20 percent of patients.
But sexualtransmission, experts said, adds a new level of difficulty to detecting and preventing Zika outbreaks,which may require not just mosquito control but also safe-sex education.
the prospect of stopping an infection that is usually silent and for which there are no widely available tests; it may be transmissible sexually, yet there may be no sign until a child is born.
Dr. William Schaffner chief of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical School cautioned that sexualtransmission is probably rare compared with the viral spread by mosquitoes, taking place in more than 20 countries and territories in Latin America and the Caribbean.
He also said Mosquito transmission is the highway, whereas sexual transmission is the byway and Sexual transmission cannot account for this sudden and widespread transmission of this virus.
There is a proverb prevention is better than cure. That is why we have to awareness safe having sex and demolish of mosquitoes residence.