Saturday, July 9, 2016

Batavia Lettuce Ideal for Feeling Good!

The Batavia lettuce is the type commonly consume lettuce, grown mainly in the northern peninsular Spain due to the mild and humid climate of the area, conditions for this type of lettuce. Although in need of light and a temperate climate to grow rapidly, we can find in the market throughout the year, thanks to growth in greenhouses (although its growth time is slower).
The Batavia lettuce has particular characteristics that distinguishes it from other types of lettuce like romaine or iceberg; also thanks to the properties of their nutrients can favor us of the benefits it offers. Dare to know her better and incorporate it into a daily diet to reap its benefits.
1 Features of Batavia lettuce
2 Homes Batavia lettuce
3 Benefits Batavia lettuce consumption

Features Batavia lettuce

1. Appearance
It can be described as a round lettuce bud and loose and curled leaves; its leaves are quite showy and depending on the variety may be more intense or lighter green.

2. It is rapidly oxidized
Once cut begins to oxidize rapidly, so its appearance changes to become darker lettuce.

3. Great variety of Batavia
There are a variety of lettuces Batavia; adjusted in pursuit of greater sheet resistance. Among the varieties that can be found they are Floreal, Boavista, triathlon, vice, Venice, matinee among others; which not only differences in appearance but
also in the resistance according to the season, texture and flavor presented.

Properties Batavia lettuce

1. High amount of water
95% or more of lettuce is water; this means that participates in the manufacture of the cells, the body waste clean and expels through the kidneys.

2. Antioxidant Properties
It contains a variety of vitamins among which vitamin C, an important antioxidant source for the organism is.

3. Source of Vitamin K
Important for blood clotting and also to generate red blood cells, while greener leaf is more concentration of vitamin K presents.

4. Rich in folic acid
It has a high content of vitamin B9 or folic acid is essential to prevent anemia. This makes it an ideal food for pregnant women because it helps maintain the necessary iron levels in the body and is involved in the formation of the fetal nervous system.

5. Rich in vitamins A
Vitamin A present in lettuce helps improve vision levels, besides acting as a fighter against infections and boost production of antibodies. Furthermore, vitamin A is an important for bone development and fertility vitamin; so the consumption of lettuce is highly recommended during pregnancy or when you want to conceive.

6. culinary Properties
It is very common to find food dishes garnished with lettuce, especially when its leaves are curled; so it is a favorite for festive events. It can also serve as food wrap or salad base.

Benefits of eating lettuce Batavia

1. Ideal for weight loss
It is a very low-calorie vegetable very rich in water, making it ideal for incorporation into any kind of diet. It is also a vegetable rich in fiber, which helps more bowel movement and cleaning them. So if you are planning to lose weight, Batavia lettuce can not miss in your meals.

2. Helps relaxation
Lettuce has important relaxation properties, so it is very famous lettuce infusion before bedtime. This way you have a more restful sleep. Even water lettuce is highly recommended to give to babies so they can fix your sleep schedule; in these cases, it is necessary to wash it very well.

3. Prevents premature aging
One of the most important benefits of eating lettuce is that it prevents premature aging and keeps the skin health; this is due to the high percentage of water it contains, its antioxidant effects and properties of intestinal cleansing.

4. Ideal for pregnant women
Containing nutrients allow it to be a great ally of pregnant women since it intervenes favorably in both fetal development and the health of the mother.

Batavia lettuce incorporate in your daily diet does not have to be boring, if you want some ideas on the type of salad you can do with this type of lettuce do not stop reading slimming Salads How do you prepare? And do not miss all of its benefits


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