Monday, July 4, 2016


LOW WEIGHT EASILY\It is more used to "color" crumbles in salad or soup. Now, in Europe, have become diets very popular chart including different dishes beets and their leaves, which, incidentally, is also very useful, rich in iron and iodine (in contrast to other types foliage - not bitter, and even palatable).Beetroot is a unique and very valuable for all slimming ingredients - betaine, says nutritionist, gastroenterologist 
 Svetlana Berezhnaya. He does not absorb excess fats and thus improves the absorption of proteins.Furthermore, in a beet juice contains enzymes that improve water-salt metabolism in the body and have a mild diuretic effect, which is very useful for those small movements and is prone to edema formation (by the way, if only normalize the water-salt metabolism, which is not giving excess fluid to accumulate in the tissues immediately exit 2-3 kilos). Beetroot is rich in fiber and bitterness, which stimulate the intestines and gallbladder. However, this plant has a laxative effect.

Beetroot is perfect for fasting days. But this does not mean that it is necessary to calm chew fresh, boiled beets, grated. From this vegetable can be cooked for a penny a lot of delicious and beautiful dishes.
One hundred grams of beet is only 40 kcal. It goes well with herring, fresh herbs, poorly - with acute and smoked foods.
baked slices. Cut the beets into thin slices centimeters, drizzle with olive oil with lemon juice, sprinkle with herbes de Provence and bake in the oven over medium heat about 40 minutes, then go out and get a little more.
Beetroot smoothie. Boiled beets cut into medium pieces and whip in a blender with half a glass of mineral water canteen or low-fat yogurt, add a few drops of lemon juice and chopped fresh herbs on top you can sprinkle with grated nuts.thin robe and helps the heart
The nutritionists showed that potatoes can be the basis of a very effective diet, which can not only save weight but lose those extra pounds more.The study lasted 12 weeks, attended by about 200 men and women with overweight. Participants were divided into two groups with different types of food, but both include seven servings of potato diet per week. Members of the first group chose their food from the list of foods with a low glycemic index (vegetables, lean fish, lean chicken, salted drinks). The second group of kneading foods with a high glycemic index. At the same time, both groups were to reduce caloric intake by 500 calories a day and every day to eat a serving of boiled potatoes or baked without oil. Como result was achieved weight loss of participants in both groups Similarly.
There is no evidence that potatoes cooked in the right way, contributes to weight gain. In fact, even the root can even be part of a weight loss diet. In medium potatoes cooked in their skins contain more potassium than a banana, and most of the daily dose of vitamin C in boiled or baked potato, fat, sodium and, of course, cholesterol.
Regarding the way of cooking potatoes important. Imagine: a potato at a weight of 100 grams - about 150 kcal, and portions of chips the same weight - about 400 calories! Do you see the difference? Mashed cooked without oil with low-fat milk potatoes, useful in high acidity of the stomach and is included in clinical nutrition.
Baked roast potatoes are very good for heart disease: there is a lot of potassium, essential for the heart muscle. Naturally, there must temper potatoes pans. Moreover, when frying in oil form carcinogens. But eating fat and unsalted butter cooked potatoes as a side dish or dishes can be independent without fear of gaining weight.
One hundred grams of boiled potatoes - 150 kcal. In the day you can eat 100-150 grams of potatoes. Potato blends well with other vegetables, fish, bad - with meat and bread.
Fragata " Scarlet Sails " Boil the potatoes in their skins are medium sized - half ( the skin is not cracked ) , cut in half lengthwise . Take juicy red pepper , cut lengthwise into four pieces . We get excellent villas. A toothpick and place each piece in half of the potatoes , which had previously been sprayed with salt, herbs and drizzle with oil. Put in the oven for 15-20 minutes. Ships ready !
Col fewer calories , besides cancer protection
plain white cabbage belongs to a rare type of negative calorie foods . That is in the digestion of the body requires more energy than the product sí.Comer a portion of boiled cabbage or stew without oil , we have zero calories, but it quite feels full .
And there are plenty of tartaric acids. This acid is known for the fact that our body slows down the rapid conversion of carbohydrates into fat (its chemical counterparts made slimming very expensive). Sauerkraut - champion among all vegetables, fruits for vitamin C, which stimulates the immune system. It is true that some of the problems with the intestines and stomach Cole sweet or salt form may very well not be tolerated (heaviness and swelling cause).
Broccoli comprises histidine - warning substance growth of cancer cells and protection sulfonate radiation sickness and breast cancer.
Cabbage contains rare vitamin U, which protects the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines from damage and prevents cancer of these organs.
At 100 grams of cabbage only 27 calories, broccoli - 28 kcal, red - 24 kcal, color - 30 kcal. Sauerkraut in the process of "maturation" is even fewer calories - 19 kcal (but there is a lot of salts so that there is time for more than 100 grams is not necessary). It goes well with meat and other vegetables, rice and bad - with dairy products.


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