Sunday, July 3, 2016


In less than a month you can get rid of the 5% of your body fat. Do you accept the deal? Well, now you get to change some habits.
1. Exercise:
Make exercise under sunlight increases your fat burning potential by 20% by increasing the production of a hormone that controls how to energy storage (or fat)
2. Drink plenty of water:
Sometimes hunger is confused with thirst
3. Stay home one night to see a comedy series
A 15-minute session of hilarious laughter can make your energy consumtion will increase to 280 calories in a weak.
4. Choose whenever you can, whole grain products:
Especially bread, rice and cereals.
5. The tension increases and nervousness continues:
Good news for fat burning. A high heart rate will raise your metabolism through the roof.
6. Move to beans:
California researchers have found an enzyme in the red beans that helps you lose weight by preventing carbohydrates and deposited as fat stores.

7. Get up early to run, or exercise:
Studies have shown that exercise temporary helps burn fat faster. During these sessions, you lose a kilo before at any other time of the day.
8. If you wake up with the roosters crowing, take a coffee before your workout:
An espresso increases your energy, but caffeine also makes your fat stores have greater bio availability to burn fat when you start to sweat. In less than a month you can get rid of the 5% of your body fat. Do you accept the deal? Well, now you get to change some habits.
9. Mix water with lemon or orange juice:
This method will reduce the temptation to take sweet.
10. Take every day a food containing Omega-3 fatty acids:
Nuts, vegetable seeds or bluefish.
11. Replace your usual after lunch for an hour in the pool training:
Burns 420 calories, almost the same as a Big Mac.
12. Grapefruit inhibits fat storage:
Certain compounds in grapefruit do burn up stored body fat, and eating it regularly could promote eventual fat loss.
13. Chives metabolize carbohydrates:
The purpose of digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, it is known to divide into smaller molecules of sugars such as glucose. Glucose is the main fuel, metabolism and function of each cell in the body units. For example, brain and red blood cells rely on glucose for energy because they use under normal circumstances, no fat or protein. Ingestion, digestion and metabolism of carbohydrates are therefore crucial for all bodily functions.

14. Learn to cook:
A recent study showed that 67% of men thinned more easily when preparing their own food.
15. Turn off the TV while eating dinner:
Studies show that men who eat dinner at the table and not with the tray on his lap watching Family Guy or Boardwalk Empire, lose about 3.5 kg of fat per year.
Weight loss
16. Do not eat at the office table:
If you take your time to get up, stretch your legs and eat out of your job, you'll end the day having ingested about 250 calories less than those who eat and work at the same time.
17. Go home run:
The perfect time to have a race is 6 pm when your body temperature is the highest. The more effort you make, the more will raise your metabolism to burn calories at night. In less than a month you can get rid of the 5% of your body fat. Do you accept the deal? Well, now you get to change some habits.
18. Take three slimming foods:
Grapefruit (inhibits fat storage); Chives (metabolize carbohydrates giving you fuel). And lentils (Que madrasas contain amino acids).
19. Lentils contain amino acids Que madrasas
20. Aline your meals with extra virgin olive oil:
So you will ensure that you take at least one tablespoon a day.
21. Eat breakfast oatmeal:
They are very healthy and help control weight.
22. Fluid retention abused without remorse of spices.
23. If you are eating a plate of pasta, sauce with monitors who will accompany
24. Regular walking:
You do not burn many more calories running faster than going to a crawl. Of course, running burns more calories per minute, but if you want to reassure your bad conscience, give a little spin is the solution.
25. Your diet does not end here:
Each day visit our blogs for Nutrition and Weight Loss.



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