Sunday, March 26, 2017

7 Things That Lose Weight Without Dieting

"I spent 12 hours a day researching all I could about the hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters and chemical massagers that cause weight gain," explains the protagonist
"In 2015 it weighed more than 185 kilos. I tried all the diets I came up with to lose weight. Even I stayed for two months with the late Dr. Atkins father of the famous diet that bears his name, who, after charging me thousands of dollars, the best he could do was yell at me for being so fat , "says Jon Gabriel , who tells In Mind Body Green the method that followed to lose almost 100 kilos without putting to regime.
For years he tried hard to follow every diet that was presented to him. He eliminated everything that was forbidden from him and accompanied his regime of hard exercise. "I thought, 'I'm going to lose weight thanks to brute force and will,'" says Gabriel, "but then there was an inevitable moment when I could not take it anymore and it gave me a binge. Whatever the weight he had lost with the diet, he would recover it in a matter of days and even a week later he was two kilos fatter than before he started. "
After more than 10 years repeating this pattern of losing 4 kilos and end up gaining 6 between diet and diet, Gabriel had reached a whopping 409 pounds - almost 186 kilos - reaching their maximum weight. But on September 11, 2015, when he was about to jump on one of the planes that started a fateful day, his life changed: "That experience made me feel like I was living a borrowed time. There I was, killing myself to work on Wall Street with a level of job stress I hated, and the universe gave me a second chance. "
So he made a determination: instead of becoming obsessed with following a new regime, he would find out why his body kept gaining weight again and again and what he had to do to get thin again. "Armed with a solid background in biochemistry at the University of Pennsylvania, I spent 12 hours a day researching everything I could about the hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters and chemical messengers that cause weight gain."
"I learned that sustainable weight loss is not about counting calories, but about getting the body into the right hormonal environment for weight loss. The subject must be approached from a perspective that includes mind and body. We need to adopt a holistic approach that looks at our psychological and emotional lives as well as what, when, and how much we eat, "he also explains in his book Visualization for Weight Loss: The Gabriel Method Guide to Using Your Mind to Transform Your Body (Hay House).
"In two and a half years I lost 99 kilos without dieting. I have been at the same weight for more than 10 years since and I do not follow any regimen: like what I want and when I want. " Magic? No. Pay attention because these were the keys to their transformation because the people who followed them have lost an average of between 20 and 90 kilos without dieting. And they are much simpler than you think.

1. I Stopped Dieting and Started to Nourish Myself

After analyzing the behavior of his own organism, Gabriel realized that he suffered from chronic hunger as a result of his low levels of certain nutrients and essential proteins, such as omega-3 fatty acids.
He tried to include them in as much of his diet as possible, but he did not stop eating sweets or chips whenever he wanted. And his appetite was changing: "over time I stopped liking junk food and my body learned to prefer high-nutrient-rich foods."

2. I Cured My Bad Digestions

Being lacking in certain nutrients, he also suffered from intestinal problems. Digestion problems can cause inflammation, which means that hormones cause fat storage. "I started to eat a lot of fermented and organic foods and to take probiotics and digestive enzymes to normalize my digestion," explains Gabriel.

3. I Ended My Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a condition that affects many overweight people. The fact is that this respiratory problem not only translates into scandalous snoring but also generates a hormonal environment in the body that stimulates weight gain by increasing cortisol levels, which, among other things, increases cravings for junk food.
Some people feel safer with extra weight on their body
"It turns out he had one of the worst cases of sleep apnea that sleep study experts had ever seen," says the author, "but from the moment I was given a CPAP machine - blowing air into my nose and mouth To keep the trachea from being open - I started to have more energy and less junk food cravings . And the kilos began to disappear forever. "

4. I Started Using Mind-Body Practices

Like sleep apnea, stress increases high levels of cortisol and inflammation, with its consequent request for food whims and storage of fats in the body. "I began to meditate and visualize my day every morning and it was very effective in reducing stress ."

5. Create a More Sustainable Life

Removing economic worries and unnecessary expenses was part of the process. A more affordable home in which he planted a small orchard to self-supply was key: "I loved to know that if I was hungry at any time I could go to the backyard and eat something fresh and full of vitality." Goodbye stress, hello kilos loss.

6. Fix Some Emotional Issues

"Some people feel safer with extra weight in their body as if they used those kilos as a buffer of the world's problems," says Gabriel, who, being aware of this, began to perform visualization exercises to solve some Traumas of the past and to continue feeling safe although it lost weight.
He is already a nutrition expert whose method has gone around the world, explains that about 70% of the patients he is suffering suffer from what he calls "emotional obesity", which is nothing more than using weight as a form of protection. "When you work out the problems that cause it and it breaks with the idea that fat equals being saved, the body is much more willing to lose weight, " he explains.

7. I Detoxified My Body

After losing almost 100 kilos of weight, Gabriel realized that something had been ignored him: the toxins and how the body and takes care of them. "It turns out that the body uses fat cells to store excess toxins. I realized that the last 18 kilos I lost cost me more because my body was clutching that store of accumulated toxins, "and he gave a solution.
A " detoxified lifestyle, " as he calls it, in which he began to ingest large quantities of alkaline liquids - such as water with lemon juice, salads, and shoots, green teas - and watched the rate of weight loss accelerated. In fact, Gabriel explains that he got rid of those last kilos even faster than the first 20.


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