Monday, July 4, 2016

How to lose weight easily with carrot

Carrot juice diet
The carrot is one of the most consumed vegetables in the world for its rich flavor and for its many medicinal properties, perhaps many do not know but this vegetable is a great ally in weight loss diets.
Properties and benefits:
• Cleansing: Removes waste from the body due to its    high fiber and water
• Thoroughly: The vitamins and minerals in favor metabolic   processes of the body and facilitates the expulsion   of toxins from our body
• Diuretic: It stimulates kidney function facilitating   the expulsion of liquids
• satiating: It is an excellent satiating, which will   make you eat less than usual, which will allow you to   lose weight faster
• desinflamatorio: This property will allow us to   combat abdominal inflammation, it is also a good   digestive thing that will help us a lot and fight   flatulence among other intestinal problems.
Ingredients carrot juice diet:
• 4 carrots
• Water
• The juice of a lemon
1. Wash and peel carrots
2. We put carrots in a blender and take a little water, liquefy until the mixture is very homogeneous, we can add more water if we all depends on the taste of each.
3. Finally sneaked if we want, this is optional and add lemon juice
How to use:

Take 2 glasses of this juice, the first thing we do in the morning before breakfast and one before lunch, this juice provides 84 calories per cup.


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