Sunday, March 26, 2017

7 Things That Lose Weight Without Dieting

"I spent 12 hours a day researching all I could about the hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters and chemical massagers that cause weight gain," explains the protagonist
"In 2015 it weighed more than 185 kilos. I tried all the diets I came up with to lose weight. Even I stayed for two months with the late Dr. Atkins father of the famous diet that bears his name, who, after charging me thousands of dollars, the best he could do was yell at me for being so fat , "says Jon Gabriel , who tells In Mind Body Green the method that followed to lose almost 100 kilos without putting to regime.
For years he tried hard to follow every diet that was presented to him. He eliminated everything that was forbidden from him and accompanied his regime of hard exercise. "I thought, 'I'm going to lose weight thanks to brute force and will,'" says Gabriel, "but then there was an inevitable moment when I could not take it anymore and it gave me a binge. Whatever the weight he had lost with the diet, he would recover it in a matter of days and even a week later he was two kilos fatter than before he started. "
After more than 10 years repeating this pattern of losing 4 kilos and end up gaining 6 between diet and diet, Gabriel had reached a whopping 409 pounds - almost 186 kilos - reaching their maximum weight. But on September 11, 2015, when he was about to jump on one of the planes that started a fateful day, his life changed: "That experience made me feel like I was living a borrowed time. There I was, killing myself to work on Wall Street with a level of job stress I hated, and the universe gave me a second chance. "
So he made a determination: instead of becoming obsessed with following a new regime, he would find out why his body kept gaining weight again and again and what he had to do to get thin again. "Armed with a solid background in biochemistry at the University of Pennsylvania, I spent 12 hours a day researching everything I could about the hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters and chemical messengers that cause weight gain."
"I learned that sustainable weight loss is not about counting calories, but about getting the body into the right hormonal environment for weight loss. The subject must be approached from a perspective that includes mind and body. We need to adopt a holistic approach that looks at our psychological and emotional lives as well as what, when, and how much we eat, "he also explains in his book Visualization for Weight Loss: The Gabriel Method Guide to Using Your Mind to Transform Your Body (Hay House).
"In two and a half years I lost 99 kilos without dieting. I have been at the same weight for more than 10 years since and I do not follow any regimen: like what I want and when I want. " Magic? No. Pay attention because these were the keys to their transformation because the people who followed them have lost an average of between 20 and 90 kilos without dieting. And they are much simpler than you think.

1. I Stopped Dieting and Started to Nourish Myself

After analyzing the behavior of his own organism, Gabriel realized that he suffered from chronic hunger as a result of his low levels of certain nutrients and essential proteins, such as omega-3 fatty acids.
He tried to include them in as much of his diet as possible, but he did not stop eating sweets or chips whenever he wanted. And his appetite was changing: "over time I stopped liking junk food and my body learned to prefer high-nutrient-rich foods."

2. I Cured My Bad Digestions

Being lacking in certain nutrients, he also suffered from intestinal problems. Digestion problems can cause inflammation, which means that hormones cause fat storage. "I started to eat a lot of fermented and organic foods and to take probiotics and digestive enzymes to normalize my digestion," explains Gabriel.

3. I Ended My Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a condition that affects many overweight people. The fact is that this respiratory problem not only translates into scandalous snoring but also generates a hormonal environment in the body that stimulates weight gain by increasing cortisol levels, which, among other things, increases cravings for junk food.
Some people feel safer with extra weight on their body
"It turns out he had one of the worst cases of sleep apnea that sleep study experts had ever seen," says the author, "but from the moment I was given a CPAP machine - blowing air into my nose and mouth To keep the trachea from being open - I started to have more energy and less junk food cravings . And the kilos began to disappear forever. "

4. I Started Using Mind-Body Practices

Like sleep apnea, stress increases high levels of cortisol and inflammation, with its consequent request for food whims and storage of fats in the body. "I began to meditate and visualize my day every morning and it was very effective in reducing stress ."

5. Create a More Sustainable Life

Removing economic worries and unnecessary expenses was part of the process. A more affordable home in which he planted a small orchard to self-supply was key: "I loved to know that if I was hungry at any time I could go to the backyard and eat something fresh and full of vitality." Goodbye stress, hello kilos loss.

6. Fix Some Emotional Issues

"Some people feel safer with extra weight in their body as if they used those kilos as a buffer of the world's problems," says Gabriel, who, being aware of this, began to perform visualization exercises to solve some Traumas of the past and to continue feeling safe although it lost weight.
He is already a nutrition expert whose method has gone around the world, explains that about 70% of the patients he is suffering suffer from what he calls "emotional obesity", which is nothing more than using weight as a form of protection. "When you work out the problems that cause it and it breaks with the idea that fat equals being saved, the body is much more willing to lose weight, " he explains.

7. I Detoxified My Body

After losing almost 100 kilos of weight, Gabriel realized that something had been ignored him: the toxins and how the body and takes care of them. "It turns out that the body uses fat cells to store excess toxins. I realized that the last 18 kilos I lost cost me more because my body was clutching that store of accumulated toxins, "and he gave a solution.
A " detoxified lifestyle, " as he calls it, in which he began to ingest large quantities of alkaline liquids - such as water with lemon juice, salads, and shoots, green teas - and watched the rate of weight loss accelerated. In fact, Gabriel explains that he got rid of those last kilos even faster than the first 20.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Are Success Stories, is True About Weight Loss?

Are the success stories of weight loss really true? Many of them are, but there are those who are outright lies too. As they highlighted in the march plans and diet pills night. Show an image of a beautiful blonde in a bikini, and another dressed standing next to the photo before 350 pounds and tell you this in 10 days. Yeah right!

However, a history of actual weight loss can save someone's life. Frankly, that's not an exaggeration, it is a fact. A personal story of how he got to take off that extra weight can inspire someone to lose weight is killing him.

The success stories of weight loss are everywhere. If you go to any weight loss forum, blog or a website you are bound to find stories of people who have lost weight successfully. Many of these people have made enormous sacrifices and lifestyle changes to achieve your goal. Most also get to post photos on the progress of the same, which is very inspiring for people who are beginning their journey of weight loss.

If I need Slimming I read the success stories that keep me motivated?

When reading the success stories of weight loss it is easy to become inspired. The next step is then to take action! When you start your new diet plan today is the day, you are taking a step toward its ultimate goal of achieving the desired weight. It is vital to note that you will not achieve your ideal weight in a few days, either next week or next month, but have a plan every day you will gradually get to your target.

You will find many success stories on the internet. As companies, diet programs that will certainly come to inspire you to reach your goal.

Absolutely anyone can achieve their weight loss goals, no matter how much you weigh now. People have taken control of their lives from all kinds of difficult circumstances, including weigh several hundred pounds! So there is no reason why you can not follow in their footsteps.

Although each person achieves weight loss differently, they all have one thing in common: desire and motivation to continue with your diet and exercise plan every day. Sure there may have been a couple of days here and there to let him pass but overall still stuck to the diet sacrificing some minor compromises.

Read about the success stories of weight loss is fun and inspiring. Just remember that you will have to take steps like these people if you reach your ideal weight. Now it's time for you to help save a life. His own and others.

Weight-Loss Success Story of Krystal Sanders|She Lost 65 Pounds.

"I never thought I would be 120 pounds—ever!"
Krystal Sanders
Before: 185 lbs
After: 120 lbs
Although only five meters high, Krystal Sanders, 27, had never been lower. Growing up, they fed up on fast food and "anything you could microwave." A size 14, when she moved to Austin, Texas, in 2005 as a specialist in service sales, continue to meet the transit five nights a week. When in the spring of 2008 began planning your wedding, the extra burden has left him to eat more. "I am in the rejection and to avoid ladders, cameras, and mirrors," he said. But she could not shake the size label 18 in her wedding dress.

When Krystal wedding photos arrived in October 2008, she did not want anyone to see. "I saw the pictures alone and cry," he said. "It was a blow to the reality, I was so embarrassed." He knew he had to do something.
Krystal empties its pantry and refrigerator, pulling all the chips, freezer and other dirt. Instead of eating, he began to cook healthier versions of your favorite restaurant food, increasing the consumption of vegetables and parts of the measures. "It was a children's game, the difference between what you would normally eat and what the serving size was," he said. When he wrestled a ladder read 185 books to climb. She started for 30 minutes on the treadmill running six times a week. During the next year, he has the power exercise DVD, cut soda, and processed foods ... and reaches his goal of 130 pounds. But she was not finished yet. She began to lift heavier weights, and in December 2009 the scale showed 120. "I could not believe it, I thought the scale was broken," said Krystal.

The reward
Krystal now has the power to rescue race and nine-mile cycling and hiking with her husband. And she is anything but a frightened camera. "I used to run the cameras, but now I want to see what I see in the pictures," he said. "I'm finally at peace with the way I look."

Krystal Consulting
In iron. "Do not be all all weight cardio time fat packs with muscle boosters can make you more calories without even trying to burn them."
Greek. "I use little fat Greek yogurt instead of mayonnaise in recipes and taste. It can also be used as a substitute for the sour cream."
Be prepared. "Everything you have prepared the day: clothes, weight, water bottle, then nothing can stand in your education."

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Secrecy of Soft Hair

We have all there already: in rows before conditioner pharmacy stand, ask what to buy. Package and daily heat protection in the fog, deep conditioners, and keratin masks can make the decisions discouraging.
The truth is that "all conditioners cuticles soften, soften the hair, shine and restore moisture," says Juan Carlos Maciques stylist Rita Hazan's salon in New York. "But the law is the best way to keep your hair healthy and looks great style."
The use of air even when he is jumping shampoo
While the hair can be exposed to drying. "The use of daily plant adds a layer
Protection that protects against hard products, hot tools, and everything a number on your hair, "says star stylist Jeanie Tresemme Syfu.
Do you have dry hair? You can even use the air conditioning shampoo instead once or twice a week. "Some shampoos contain corrosive cleansers that can remove moisture from the hair," said Syfy.
Changing conditioner helps maintain moisture and facilitates Macaques version adds, "but it does not completely replace the shampoo, which makes a better job to clear the residue.

"Most women who think makes your hair look flat wrong formula," says Damian Santiago, owner of Mizu Salon in New York City. The key is to choose one according to their texture.
"Women with a good child has a volumizing conditioner, the body adds," said Santiago. "Those with thick hair rinses, the fatty acids must live deeper (look for almond oil, coconut or jojoba) to take dry tufts."
Curly hair is almost always dry because the oils from the scalp do not move as easily through the hair shaft as they do with straight hair, so people with curls should use a moisturizing conditioner ultra.
"When dyed it must be opened and closed to allow the pigment to cut the cuticle to weaken the strands over time," says Francis Mousseron, a colourist at the Frederic Fekkai Salon in New York. "The addition of the protein enhances the hair, making it more resistant to aggressive chemicals."

The masks are not just for dry, stressed hair: each head could benefit from an increase in humidity once a week. To get the most out of your mask, look keratin, amino acids or essential fatty acids, suggesting Garnier stylist Marc Mena.
You can also increase the drinking treatment with hot oil or create a food DIY mask (avocado and mayonnaise are rich in fatty acids).
Cook a thin damp cloth until hot, then wrap a turban around the head after applying the mask. Leave for 20 minutes, advises Mena, and then let it cool down completely before clarifying the discussion, or Cuticles still "open" heat and wash more Nutrient. "

If your style requires volume or notice that the hair near the scalp oil quickly, avoid moisture.
"The root of the hair is due to the natural oils from your scalp," said Kattia Solano, owner of Butterfly Studio Salon in New York. "It is also healthier because it has not been exposed to heat both the type and color."
When using air per day, starting with the ends (where most of the damage occurs), and then running through the rest of your hair in your hands, avoids the first two inches of your scalp. Leave for at least three to five minutes before rinsing.

Top Tips of Cleansing Facial - Effective Skin Care Remedies

Good skin starts with a good cleansing. If you do not thoroughly clean your face, chances are that you will develop stains, clogged pores, and dry skin. But facial cleansing is more than washing your face with a cleanser. For more information on how to perform a thorough cleansing on a weekly basis, this 20 deep cleansing skin tips for skin care is effective.
1. Clean twice daily
No more and no less. When you wake up in the morning, you need to cleanse your face during the night to remove excess oil and dirt and create a clean canvas when you apply makeup. At the end of the day, remove makeup and impurities before going to bed will keep you spotless.
2. Look for a suitable cleaning
The choice today is endless cleaning - oil based, water based, foams, lotions, etc. Find the perfect a lot of trial and error can act. However, everyone finds their perfect match at the end.
3. Exfoliate occasionally
Cleaners remove only the highest skin impurities. To ensure that your skin is clean, peeling at least once a week will remove dead skin cells and unclog pores that help a radiant complexion.
4. Use only gentle products
Products containing sharp soaps, sulfates, and the granules are a thing of the past, and now everyone is looking for a sweet product. Research shows that the cleansing agents that prevent the work of the best skin pH protect epidemics. Dry skin, not even.

5. Choose a cleanser according to your skin type
Cleaners for dry skin can be too soft to be effective for oily skin, while greasy skin cleansing for dry skin can be too hard. Those who have rosacea, dermatitis and eczema also need specially formulated cleansers that worsen their condition.
6. Change your towels often
Preferably, three uses are proposed as by Philip Tierno, a microbiologist in New York. Your towels are a breeding ground for bacteria, and people prone to acne should be particularly careful to reuse their towels.
7. Cleaning night
You can not know, but your skin can be cleaned during sleep with the help of night creams. If you suffer from acne, pimples and dull skin, night to do the zinc oxide cream with salicylic acid cleansing and miracles.
8. Invest in a Clarisonic
Nothing cleans the skin as completely as the Clarisonic cleaning brushes for the face. This brushing sound technology research shows using effectively to remove the pores unclogging and impurities.
9. Turn off the pillowcase often
As with towels, changing pillows twice a week, epidemics will prevent and keep your skin in good shape. It is also special silver infused pillow-mold and bacterial spread which can also be useful.
10. Use the performance of oils
The oil purity is a popular way to deeply cleanse your skin while simultaneously streaming. Popular oils for cleaning are argan, olive oil, castor oil, and a touch of research from tea tree oil kills Demodex mites that can cause acne.

11. Clean with hot and cold water
Hot water can irritate the skin while hot water dissolves the dirt on the skin for easy cleaning. Finish your cleaning routine with a cold jet circulation in your water to stimulate the facial skin.
12. Apply a mask of clay once a week
If I have the spare time at their hands, let yourself be treated with a spa treatment at home a tone mask is used. A study showed that a clay mask containing jojoba oil is particularly useful in the treatment of acne and scars.
13. Getting a face from time to time
Nothing can get rid of the skin of these annoying pimples as facial it. A face from time to time, you can keep your marvelous skin and reduce the pore size. It also makes your most effective cleaning routine.
14. See what you eat
Real deep cleansing facial actually starts from the inside. Make sure you eat lots of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C and E. These nutrients promote the health of the skin and the functioning.

15. Sweat it out
Regular exercise is the flow of blood to the skin, and with this important contribution to improving the superficial layers of the skin nutrients. The movement outdoors in the sun, also enough vitamin D for beautiful skin.
16. If possible, go to the pool
Sea water can provide a cleansing of the whole body. Research has shown that magnesium in seawater improves the barrier function of the skin, improving skin moisture and reducing inflammation.
17. Pat skin dry
After cleansing the skin with water resists with a towel rub the skin. Instead gently massage the skin and leave the towel to absorb the excess water from the face. This will prevent irritation.

18. Use a detergent
Latest Korean praised beauty care is a makeup remover and cleanser purification to use. Soft makeup remover is a micellar cleansing oil or water is a perfect choice. Use a mild detergent later.
19. No need to spend money on expensive products
Keep your cleanser on the face for a short time. No need to look for antioxidants, peptides, and peels in cleaning products. Leave this for her creams and serums.
20. Be consistent
Of course, if you are consistent with your cleaning routine, your skin will develop over time to improve. Make sure never skip.