Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Drink This First Thing in the Morning

This daily trick can help you detoxify, improve your digestion and boost your metabolism & energy levels.

They are bombarded with toxins in the modern world ... everywhere, polluted air that you breathe, the water you drink, shampoos and other cosmetics that pollute your body with chemicals and, of course, all chemical additives, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics And other harmful compounds in the foods you eat.
All these toxins have a negative impact on your body, can damage the metabolism and hormones, affect your digestive system and zap your energy.
If I could say one thing that you can do every morning if you just wake up to your body to eliminate some of these toxins, improve your digestion, boost your metabolism and boost your energy, you?
Immediately after the daily about 1/2 to 1 squeeze lemon full (depending on the size of the lemon) in an 8-ounce glass of warm water or purified room temperature. That saves your body first thing in the morning compared to ice water. I find that the lemon cut into quarters before shaking hands are easier than pressing the two halves together. Drink at least 10 minutes before eating for the day.

Make sure you make fresh organic lemons use the drink, not the bottled lemon juice. They want to use organic lemons to avoid pesticides that can accumulate.

3 Major benefits of this morning drink to your body, health, and energy:

The benefits for promoting lemon health are powerful. For centuries it is known that lemons contain strong antibacterial components, antiviral and immunological. We know that lemons are a great help in digestion and liver cleansers.

Lemons contain citric acid, magnesium, bioflavonoids, vitamin C, pectin, calcium and
limonene which over load our immunity of the body to fight infections.

Lemons are one of the alkalizing foods you can eat. This may sound false because they are acids themselves. But in the body, lemons are alkaline; Citric acid does not produce an acid content once it has been metabolized. The minerals in lemons actually contribute to the blood alkalized. Most people are too sour (eat too much sugar and grain) and drink hot lemon water helps to reduce acidity in all to the drawing uric acid in the joints.

This reduces the pain and inflammation that many people feel. And the American Cancer Society recommends hot lemon water to encourage regular bowel movement.

Benefits that you can enjoy:

1. Improves your digestion:
    Lemon juice helps your body, improve digestion and stimulate the production of bile. Lemon juice can even be a help for heartburn and digestive disorders.
2. Increase your energy for the day:
    Also the smell of lemon juice has been shown to improve mood levels and energy and reduce anxiety. In addition, the detoxifying effect and alkalizing effect of organic fresh lemon juice can improve your energy by eliminating toxins from the body.
3. It helps you lose fat:
    Since lemon juice helps to improve your digestive system, helps eliminate toxins and increase your level of energy, all combine to help you lose your body fat, as well as improve their no hormonal balance ... But the water to your daily morning routine

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Batavia Lettuce Ideal for Feeling Good!

The Batavia lettuce is the type commonly consume lettuce, grown mainly in the northern peninsular Spain due to the mild and humid climate of the area, conditions for this type of lettuce. Although in need of light and a temperate climate to grow rapidly, we can find in the market throughout the year, thanks to growth in greenhouses (although its growth time is slower).

Monday, July 4, 2016

2 Tips to Lose Weight Fast Do Not Miss It!

Weight lose easily
If you're like me, you probably will weight loss is fairly constant in the beginning, and then just seems to slow down (the famous phases of stabilization or control). If this is the case, problems arise because many of these conventional diet programs these days that claim to help you lose weight quickly, unfortunately, are based on methods that bring only temporary results. Here are 2 tips to lose weight fast when nothing seems to be working.
 What I have learned after many diets is that during the first weeks of diet runs what is called a plateau in weight loss.
If you want to stop sabotaging all your hard work and sacrifices of trying to get in shape quickly, then the best solution is to make a wise decision to go the natural route to diet.
Getting stuck with a plateau, occurring at any fad diet, or eat the same types of food and do the same exercise, same routine week after week. This will make your metabolism reaches a comfort zone ... and therefore begin to reduce thinning.

2 simple tips and advice to help you break the plateau

1)  The first thing to do is stay away from the low calories, low fat and low        carbohydrate in the feed system. It seems that something is low fat does not  mean you lose weight.
The decrease in calories is too slow your metabolism, reducing fats, actually will cause your body to store fat (the body needs healthy fats), and reducing carbohydrates (the good, such as fiber) only interrupt your digestive system and makes you lose a lot of energy. 
The best thing to do to get successful results, is to eat a little less of your total calorie level maintenance (I recommend the reduction of no more than 200-300 calories), eat more often throughout the day, and eat in a way that makes you increase your combination of fatty substances (such as alternating patterns calorie intake and foods rich in antioxidants).

2)  The next step is to change the constant exercise routines. Instead of exercising the same way all the time, change a little.
For example, instead of walking on the treadmill for 45 minutes, change and do HIIT (high-intensity interval training) on the tape. To do this, simply adjust the speed to 3.0 and the inclined plane 8 degrees for 2 minutes, then increase speed to 3.2 and the inclined plane at 12 degrees for 1 minute, and again, twice up to date!
Really useful these 2 Tips to lose weight quickly when nothing seems to be working, I advise them into account to achieve a figure you've always dreamed of.
Another alternative to reduce fat
If you want to melt fat fast and drop, for example, 4 or 5 kilos every 11 days, then I recommend combining the use of a strict diet with aerobic exercise one hour every day, and stay at night at least 12 hours without eating anything, to let the body rest.
This diet works so well because it is based on the clouds of your metabolism, and eating real food.
No hunger, no cravings 100% natural and very easy to do.


LOW WEIGHT EASILY\It is more used to "color" crumbles in salad or soup. Now, in Europe, have become diets very popular chart including different dishes beets and their leaves, which, incidentally, is also very useful, rich in iron and iodine (in contrast to other types foliage - not bitter, and even palatable).Beetroot is a unique and very valuable for all slimming ingredients - betaine, says nutritionist, gastroenterologist 

Sandwich to Activate Metabolism, burn Calories and Lose Weight

 Lose Weight
Eggs are ideal for people who want to lead a high-protein diet food. They are very tasty, low in calories (about 80 calories per egg each), and is full of proteins that satisfy hunger and help control cravings. Worth in our daily menus includes not only at breakfast. This is a simple but rich recipe to enjoy eggs at lunchtime with a spicy touch that help activate the metabolism and keep you feeling full longer. For this line is used Greek yogurt instead of mayonnaise to reduce calories 

Pepper to Lose Weight

Lose Weight

Pepper is a species of the family of Piperaceae, is especially grown for its fruit which is used dry as a spice for seasoning foods, this fruit has many medicinal properties, it has also been found to help burn fats found accumulated in our body.

Properties pepper:

• Inhibits the formation of fat cells in our body
• Helps stimulate the secretion of gastric juices, which help digestion
• Combat flatulence, thus favoring the intestinal transit
• It is an excellent diuretic for that reason helps prevent fluid retention
• pepper has thermogenic effects, which increase the fat burning promoting weight loss.

How to use:

To lose weight should eat pepper follows:
1.  Pepper in freshly ground grain. The most appropriate form of higher effects is to consume in our foods as condiments to flavor our dishes, so enjoy its rich flavor and seize their properties to lose weight.
2.  Another way as we can take it with pepper tea is to prepare an infusion of this plant, however, is not the most convenient way as it can have adverse reactions in some people.

In any case, it is recommended to people with certain health problems consult your doctor before starting the consumption of pepper to lose weight.

Red Tea for Weight Loss

This variety of tea has quickly become the preferred nutritionists when recommending diets to lose weight because this type of tea has properties that none of the other varieties have also will be the least contraindications has, as you can realize these advantages make this type of tea is an excellent complement in diets for weight loss.

Properties red tea:
• It is diuretic therefore it facilitates the expulsion   of liquids retained in the body, it causes us to lose   weight easily.
• Lowers Cholesterol
• Helps digestion
• It has thermogenic properties, which causes our   metabolism to speed up and burn fat, therefore this is an   excellent slimming tea.

How to use:
Red tea is consumed as a tea, take as we normally coffee, if we add a certain amount of cinnamon or grated ginger or lemon improve its flavor and what is better still, we will increase about how their fat burning effects.

Parsley Plant to Lose Weight

Parsley Plant to Lose Weight

Parsley plant has many medicinal properties that help us lose weight if you're looking for something natural and simple to lose weight here I offer this simple recipe so you can achieve it. the properties of this plant are based on substances possessing (iodine, potassium, flavonoids and essential oils) and mainly in that it has cleansing properties.

Properties that will make you lose weight:
• It is diuretic, we favor the expulsion of retained   fluids, this makes we lower weight faster.
• Stimulates intestinal peristalsis, is that combat or   help prevent constipation problem this is   very common in women and very negative when weight loss diet also helps cleanse the           colon making deflate the belly and lose   weight.
• It is purifying, cleanses the body and helps expel   toxins from the body which makes the       body work better   and have a high metabolism.
• Helps digestion helps eliminate flatulence.
• Detoxifies blood, regulates cholesterol and   triglycerides.

Water or parsley tea:
• 30g parsley leaves
• 1 liter of water
1.  We put to boil water, then boil remove from heat and    toss the parsley leaves
2.  we cover the bowl and let stand for 5 or 10 minutes,    after which we strain and  discard the leaves.
How to use:

This water can be taken hot or cold, can take 2 0 3 cups a day before breakfast, lunch and dinner, for a period of 2 weeks.

How to lose weight easily with carrot

Carrot juice diet
The carrot is one of the most consumed vegetables in the world for its rich flavor and for its many medicinal properties, perhaps many do not know but this vegetable is a great ally in weight loss diets.
Properties and benefits:
• Cleansing: Removes waste from the body due to its    high fiber and water
• Thoroughly: The vitamins and minerals in favor metabolic   processes of the body and facilitates the expulsion   of toxins from our body
• Diuretic: It stimulates kidney function facilitating   the expulsion of liquids
• satiating: It is an excellent satiating, which will   make you eat less than usual, which will allow you to   lose weight faster
• desinflamatorio: This property will allow us to   combat abdominal inflammation, it is also a good   digestive thing that will help us a lot and fight   flatulence among other intestinal problems.
Ingredients carrot juice diet:
• 4 carrots
• Water
• The juice of a lemon
1. Wash and peel carrots
2. We put carrots in a blender and take a little water, liquefy until the mixture is very homogeneous, we can add more water if we all depends on the taste of each.
3. Finally sneaked if we want, this is optional and add lemon juice
How to use:

Take 2 glasses of this juice, the first thing we do in the morning before breakfast and one before lunch, this juice provides 84 calories per cup.

Sunday, July 3, 2016


In less than a month you can get rid of the 5% of your body fat. Do you accept the deal? Well, now you get to change some habits.
1. Exercise:
Make exercise under sunlight increases your fat burning potential by 20% by increasing the production of a hormone that controls how to energy storage (or fat)
2. Drink plenty of water:
Sometimes hunger is confused with thirst
3. Stay home one night to see a comedy series
A 15-minute session of hilarious laughter can make your energy consumtion will increase to 280 calories in a weak.
4. Choose whenever you can, whole grain products:
Especially bread, rice and cereals.
5. The tension increases and nervousness continues:
Good news for fat burning. A high heart rate will raise your metabolism through the roof.
6. Move to beans:
California researchers have found an enzyme in the red beans that helps you lose weight by preventing carbohydrates and deposited as fat stores.

7. Get up early to run, or exercise:
Studies have shown that exercise temporary helps burn fat faster. During these sessions, you lose a kilo before at any other time of the day.
8. If you wake up with the roosters crowing, take a coffee before your workout:
An espresso increases your energy, but caffeine also makes your fat stores have greater bio availability to burn fat when you start to sweat. In less than a month you can get rid of the 5% of your body fat. Do you accept the deal? Well, now you get to change some habits.
9. Mix water with lemon or orange juice:
This method will reduce the temptation to take sweet.
10. Take every day a food containing Omega-3 fatty acids:
Nuts, vegetable seeds or bluefish.
11. Replace your usual after lunch for an hour in the pool training:
Burns 420 calories, almost the same as a Big Mac.
12. Grapefruit inhibits fat storage:
Certain compounds in grapefruit do burn up stored body fat, and eating it regularly could promote eventual fat loss.
13. Chives metabolize carbohydrates:
The purpose of digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, it is known to divide into smaller molecules of sugars such as glucose. Glucose is the main fuel, metabolism and function of each cell in the body units. For example, brain and red blood cells rely on glucose for energy because they use under normal circumstances, no fat or protein. Ingestion, digestion and metabolism of carbohydrates are therefore crucial for all bodily functions.

14. Learn to cook:
A recent study showed that 67% of men thinned more easily when preparing their own food.
15. Turn off the TV while eating dinner:
Studies show that men who eat dinner at the table and not with the tray on his lap watching Family Guy or Boardwalk Empire, lose about 3.5 kg of fat per year.
Weight loss
16. Do not eat at the office table:
If you take your time to get up, stretch your legs and eat out of your job, you'll end the day having ingested about 250 calories less than those who eat and work at the same time.
17. Go home run:
The perfect time to have a race is 6 pm when your body temperature is the highest. The more effort you make, the more will raise your metabolism to burn calories at night. In less than a month you can get rid of the 5% of your body fat. Do you accept the deal? Well, now you get to change some habits.
18. Take three slimming foods:
Grapefruit (inhibits fat storage); Chives (metabolize carbohydrates giving you fuel). And lentils (Que madrasas contain amino acids).
19. Lentils contain amino acids Que madrasas
20. Aline your meals with extra virgin olive oil:
So you will ensure that you take at least one tablespoon a day.
21. Eat breakfast oatmeal:
They are very healthy and help control weight.
22. Fluid retention abused without remorse of spices.
23. If you are eating a plate of pasta, sauce with monitors who will accompany
24. Regular walking:
You do not burn many more calories running faster than going to a crawl. Of course, running burns more calories per minute, but if you want to reassure your bad conscience, give a little spin is the solution.
25. Your diet does not end here:
Each day visit our blogs for Nutrition and Weight Loss.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Zika virus link to microcephaly

Scientists say a study involving pregnant women in Brazil "strengthens" the theory that Zika is linked to microcephaly birth defects in babies.
The research confirmed the presence of Zika virus in the amniotic fluid of two women who had had Zika-like symptoms during their pregnancies. Brazilian experts say this suggests the virus can infect the foetus.
But WHO expert caution the link is not proven and expect to release more information in the next few weeks.
Brazil has seen a rise in microcephaly - babies born with abnormally small heads and, in some cases, problems with brain development - in the last year, at the same time as a rise in the number of people infected with Zika virus.
The research, published in the journal Lancet Infectious Diseases, involved two women who had a fever, rash and muscle aches during their pregnancies.
After ultrasound scans revealed their developing foetuses had microcephaly, scientists ran further amniocentesis checks.
This involved taking a small sample of the amniotic fluid that surrounds the foetus in the womb. Genetic analysis of this fluid confirmed the presence of Zika virus - discounting similar viruses that may have been responsible.
his study reports details of the Zika virus being identified directly in the amniotic fluid of a woman during her pregnancy, suggesting the virus could cross the placental barrier and potentially infect the foetus.
She added This study cannot determine whether the Zika virus identified in these two cases was the cause of microcephaly in the babies. "Until we understand the biological mechanism linking Zika to microcephaly we cannot be certain that one causes the other, and further research is urgently needed."
Prof Jimmy Whitworth, at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine added that while the research cannot prove the link: "This study does strengthen the body of evidence that Zika virus is the cause of foetal microcephaly in Brazil."
But scientists say despite growing research, a lot remains unknown and a number of questions still need urgent answers - including how big the risk of microcephaly is if a woman has Zika virus infection in pregnancy and whether the timing of the infection makes a difference.
Brazil, the country hardest-hit by Zika has about 508 confirmed cases of microcephaly and is investigating about 3,935 suspected cases. The ministry said last week that 41 of the confirmed cases of microcephaly had shown links to Zika infection. Microcephaly can be caused by a range of factors, including genetic conditions, infections and drugs.
Experts say women who are pregnant are most at risk from mosquito-borne Zika and should try to protect themselves from mosquito bites.
Source: CDC

Saturday, February 6, 2016


·         About 1 in 5 people infected with Zika virus become ill (i.e., develop Zika).
·         The most common symptoms of Zika are fever, rash, joint pain, or conjunctivitis (red eyes). Other common symptoms include muscle pain and headache. The incubation period (the time from exposure to symptoms) for Zika virus disease is not known, but is likely to be a few days to a week.

Awareness of Health, Zika Infection Transmitted by Sex

Zika virus infection transmitted by sex, rather than a mosquito bite, was discovered in Texas, a development sure to complicate plans to contain a global epidemic.
The DallasCounty Health and Human Services Department reported that a patient with the Zika virus was infected after havingsex with someone who had returned from Venezuela, where Zika is circulating. Zika virus is spreading.
Men havingsex after traveling to these areas should consider wearing condoms, although they did not indicate forhow long this would be necessary. Pregnant women should avoid contact with semen from men recently exposed to the virus.
Infection of pregnant women with the Zika virus has been linked to birth defects in their infants. But the infection is not usually life-threatening for others and produces symptoms only in 20 percent of patients.
But sexualtransmission, experts said, adds a new level of difficulty to detecting and preventing Zika outbreaks,which may require not just mosquito control but also safe-sex education.
the prospect of stopping an infection that is usually silent and for which there are no widely available tests; it may be transmissible sexually, yet there may be no sign until a child is born.
Dr. William Schaffner chief of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical School cautioned that sexualtransmission is probably rare compared with the viral spread by mosquitoes, taking place in more than 20 countries and territories in Latin America and the Caribbean.
He also said Mosquito transmission is the highway, whereas sexual transmission is the byway and Sexual transmission cannot account for this sudden and widespread transmission of this virus.
There is a proverb prevention is better than cure. That is why we have to awareness safe having sex and demolish of mosquitoes residence.